Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Yana KRYVYCH joined the regional forum “Training of Specialists in Vocational Education Centers of the State Employment Service: Training Ukrainians for Business Needs”, which was held on January 16, 2025 in the village of Khoruzhivka, Romensky District, Sumy Region.
The event was held within the framework of the interregional project “Reforming the System of Support and Development of Labor Potential”, which is implemented by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine in partnership with the NGO “Development of the Business Sector of Ukraine” with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) project “Strengthening Public Trust (UCBI)”
The purpose of the event is to discuss the challenges of the labor market and find solutions.
The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Tetyana BEREZHNA, Director of the State Employment Service of Ukraine Yulia ZHOVTYAK, First Deputy Head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration Taras SAVCHENKO, Chairman of the Council of Employers’ Federations of Sumy Region Mykhailo Horpenko, as well as representatives of the Sumy region’s business. In total, the event brought together over 120 participants.
During the event, the state of the labor market in Sumy Region and its prospects, the capabilities of the Vocational Education Centers of the State Employment Service in training, retraining and requalification of employees, as well as ways of interaction between business and government to solve personnel challenges were discussed.
The practical part of the forum included a tour of educational and production workshops, during which, among other things, the training course “Entrepreneurship and Business Planning” was presented, taught by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing Yana KRYVYCH.
Let’s work together to restore the economy and strengthen the labor potential of our country.