Behavioural Lab

Stop acting blindly!
With neuromarketing, you will get the answers you’ve been looking for.

In today’s business environment, where a deep understanding of consumer needs plays a key role in achieving success, the Behavioural Lab offers innovative tools for conducting marketing research and consumer behavior analytics. Specializing in advanced cognitive and eye tracking technologies from well-known brands (Pupil Labs, Tobii, iMotions, and others), the Behavioural Lab provides your business with a detailed analysis and understanding of how consumers perceive your products and services. Using these insights will allow you to optimize marketing strategies and enhance advertising effectiveness, ensuring maximum return on marketing investments and strengthening the connection with your target audience.


Effective Communications

Predict and enhance the effectiveness of advertising for your products and services

  • Research on consumer perception of advertising (across various communication channels) through Neuromarketing tools

Trade and Shopping

Understand what your customers want and find the perfect design for packaging and product placement on shelves.

  • Research on consumer perception of packaging
  • Testing consumer perception of product placement on shelves
  • Research on consumer gaze in points of sale


How strong is your brand? The brain makes brand growth measurable and manageable.

  • Tracking the effectiveness of consumer perception of your brand

Website Usability

Gain insights into the subconscious barriers to your users' conversion throughout their journey.

  • Testing the usability of the website/page
  • Optimizing the conversion of the website/page

Send your request by filling out the form

Key Stages

Kick-off meeting and preparation for research

Identification of stimuli and target audience (respondents)
according to your requirements. Formation of a test group and
preparation phase for the research.
Duration - from 3 days

Research and conducting experiments with respondents

Conducting experiments with selected respondents. Studying the specifics of their interaction with chosen research objects (packaging, logo, banner, brochure, website, etc.). During this process, respondent behavior patterns and information perception levels will be measured through gaze tracking and brain activity analysis.
Duration - from 5 days

Data analysis and report generation

Analytical data processing, visualization, and graphical representation of research results.
Duration - from 2 days

Each project is unique, and the stages depend on the project’s goals and objectives. For communication and consultation, email:

What tools do we use

Stationary and Mobile Eye Tracking provides accurate and realistic insights into where consumers direct their gaze during interactions with your marketing communications, allowing you to fine-tune your strategies for maximum impact. Key parameters: gaze; elements/space that generate interest; duration of gaze fixation.

Electrocardiography allows for understanding consumer emotions when interacting with the research object through heart rate analysis (intensity, sequence, speed variation). Possible applications include: assessing reactions to educational materials; testing packaging types; studying audiovisual effects in gaming; predicting driver behavior in automated vehicles, and more.

In our work, we use software that enables analysis of eye movements, consumer reactions, heartbeats, data visualization, and heatmap creation, including: Tobii Pro Studio, Tobii Pro Lab, Pupil Labs, and others. Quantitative and qualitative data processing is conducted using Stata, EViews, R, MatLab, SPSS, and more.

Our Partners

Our Publications

Neuromarketing as a Mechanism of Communication with the Consumer: The Case for Small Business

Perception of Artificial Intelligence: GSR Analysis and Face Detection