Статті у періодичних наукових виданнях, що входять до наукометричних баз даних Web of Science, Scopus / Papers in Journals which indexed by Web of Science, Scopus:
- Dzwigol, H., Kwilinski, A., Lyulyov, O., & Pimonenko, T. (2023). The Role of Environmental Regulations, Renewable Energy, and Energy Efficiency in Finding the Path to Green Economic Growth. Energies, 16, 3090. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16073090 (Scopus, Web of Science) Q1
- Dzwigol, H., Kwilinski, A., Lyulyov, O. Pimonenko, T. (2023). Renewable Energy, Knowledge Spillover, and Innovation: Capacity of Environmental Regulation. Energies, 16, 1117. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16031117 (Scopus, Web of Science) Q1
- Moskalenko B., Lyulyov O., Pimonenko T., Kwilinski A. & Dzwigol H. (2022). Investment attractiveness of the country: social, ecological, economic dimension. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 69 (1/2), 80-98. (Web of Science, Scopus) Q4
- Kwilinski, A., Lyulyov, O., Pimonenko, T., Dzwigol, H., Abazov, R., & Pudryk, D. (2022). International Migration Drivers: Economic, Environmental, Social, and Political Effects. Sustainability, 14(11), 6413. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14116413 (Scopus,Web of Science) Q1
- Kwilinski, A., Lyulyov, O., Dzwigol, H., Vakulenko, I., Pimonenko, T. (2022). Integrative Smart Grids’ Assessment System. Energies, 15, 545. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15020545 (Scopus, Web of Science) Impact Factor 2.707, Q2
- Lyulyov, O., Vakulenko, I., Pimonenko, T., Kwilinski, A., Dzwigol, H., Dzwigol-Barosz, M. (2021). Comprehensive Assessment of Smart Grids: Is There a Universal Approach? Energies, 14(12), 3497. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14123497 (SCOPUS, Web of Science, in English) Impact Factor 2.707; Q2
- Lyulyov O., Pimonenko T., Kwilinski A., Dzwigol H., Dzwigol-Barosz M., Pavlyk V., Barosz P. (2021). The Impact of the Government Policy on the Energy Efficient Gap: The Evidence from Ukraine. Energies, 14(2):373. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14020373 (SCOPUS, Web of Science) Impact Factor 2.707; Q2
Наукові статті у фахових виданнях / Papers in specialized Ukrainian scientific Journals
Наукові статті у закордонних виданнях / Papers in the International Journals:
- Letunovska, N., Kwilinski, A., Dzwigol, H., Lyulyov, O., & Pimonenko, T. (2021). Sustainable Tourism for the Green Economy.Virtual Economics, 4(4), 33-51. https://doi.org/10.34021/ve.2021.04.04(3)