Scientific degree, title:

PhD, Associate Professor


Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing

Research projects:

“A non-classical perspective on migration and economy. Assessing the impact of migration on household welfare through indicators of inclusive growth”, VEGA 2/0172/24.
“Cognitive model of innovations’ commercialization in the conditions of Industry 4.0: intellectual capital protection, marketing, and communications”, 2022-2023.
“Development of a balanced internal communications scorecard for the enterprise as a basis for the formation of long-term development strategy in market volatility”, 2018.
“Formation of the managerial mechanism of the industrial enterprise’s internal communications under conditions of industrial markets transformation”, 2017.

“Transfer of green innovations in the energy sector of Ukraine: a multiplicative stochastic model of the transition to a carbon-neutral economy”, 2022-2023.
“Innovative drivers of national economic security: structural modeling and forecasting”, 2019-2020.
“Development of a mechanism for commercialization of innovative products”, 2018-2019.

THE EXECUTOR of the economic contract for forecasting the economic and social development of some districts of Sumy region, 2018-2019.

Education and work experience:


July 2021: certified trainer of “SPSS – basic level”.
April 2021: Academic title of Associate Professor of Marketing Department.

2019: Certificate of attainment in modern languages – ECL. English. Level B2.
5: Diploma of Candidate of Economic Sciences (comparable to the academic Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, PhD); specialty 08.00.04 – economy and enterprise management (by type of economic activity). Topic: «Organizational and economic management principles of internal communications in the industrial enterprise».
2009: Master Diploma in Marketing, Sumy State University, Sumy Ukraine
2008: Bachelor Diploma in Marketing, Sumy State University, Sumy Ukraine

October 2022-present: researcher at the Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratislava, Slovakia);
November 2021-present: Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research”;
August 2021-present:
Editorial Board Member of “Open Journal of Business and Management”.
May 202
1–present: Membership Ukrainian Association of Marketing.

2020–present: Membership European Organization of Scientific Research and Doctoral Studies.
2020–present: Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine.
2019–2020: Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine
2015–2019: Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing and Management of Innovative Activity, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine.
2012–2015: Assistant at the Department of Marketing and Management of Innovative Activity, Sumy State University, Sumy Ukraine.
2012–present: Tutor of the students’ academic groups, Sumy State University, Sumy Ukraine.
2009–2012: Ph.D. Student in Economics, Department of Marketing and Management of Innovative Activity, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine.
2004–2009: Student, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine

Current teaching courses:

Lecture of Master program “Marketing”
The main courses: Marketing in Crisis Management, Strategic Marketing.

Lecture of Bachelor program “Marketing”, “Management”
The main courses: Fundamentals of Marketing, Marketing Communications, Marketing Pricing Policy, Merchandising, Market Research, Effective communications.
Languages of teaching: English, Ukrainian.
Supervision of the students’ course papers, Bachelor and Master theses, scientific works, experience in the common publication of the theses, and manuscripts with students.
Experience in developing e-learning courses.

International projects:

Jean Monnet Module  “Healthy Economy and Policy: European Values for Ukraine” 101047530 – HEPE4U – ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH (project leader), 2022-2025.
Jean Monnet Module 620232-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE “EU Carbon-free economy: best practices for Ukraine”, 2020-2023.

International activity:

Internship in the Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences under the “Scholarships for excellent researchers threatened by the conflict in Ukraine” program  (Bratislava, Slovakia, 2022-2025)
in Institute for International Cooperation Development “Modern Marketing Research: Cognitive Technologies”, 150 hours (Poznan, Poland, 15 September – 15 October 2020).
Training in Institute for International Cooperation Development “Modern Trends in Marketing Research”, (Poznan, Poland, March-April 2020).
Training in University of Nebraska “Teaching Strategies for Virtual Classrooms Faculty Development Program” (Virtual class, USA, 2020).
Participation in “Strengthening scientific capacities and cooperation of Ukrainian universities in AgriSciences” (development project, Czech Republic, 2020).
Training in Washington State University “Excellence in Teaching & Research” (Global Virtual Program, USA, Ukraine, 2021).
Participation in V International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference «Social Development Towards Values Ethics – Technology – Society» , Wisla (Poland, 2019).

Students supervision:

2015: Bulatova A. – diploma of 3rd degree in the nomination “Advertising and communication technologies as a tool to influence society” of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers “Modern socio-economic and legal-democratic situation in Ukraine. Ways of Ukraine’s development through the eyes of young people “.

2017: Zakharchenko D. – diploma of the 2nd degree of the I Interuniversity competition of student scientific works in “Economics and management in trade”.
2016: Danyliuk Yu. – special award of the competition “For high practical work`s value” of the XI All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works on marketing named after I. Tkachenko .
2017: Danyliuk Yu. – 2nd degree diploma at the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in “Marketing, personnel management and labor economics”, section “Marketing”.
2017: Danyliuk Yu. – 3rd degree diploma of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in “Marketing, personnel management and labor economics”, section “Marketing”.
2017: Danyliuk Yu. – 2nd degree diploma at the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works on marketing named after I. Tkachenko .
2017: Smilyansky A. and Bulatova A. – special award “For a successful combination of marketing research technologies” All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works on marketing named after I. Tkachenko.
2020: Vakulishyna I. – 3rd degree diploma of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in “Economics and Management in Trade”.
2020: Kolesnyk A. – 3rd degree diploma of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in “Marketing”.
2021: Shevchenko K. – 1st degree diploma of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in “Economics and Management in Trade”.
2021: A. Nazarenko – 3rd degree diploma of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in “Marketing”.

Research interests:

Inclusive Economy, Energy Economics, Energy inequality, Sustainable Development, Communication Management, Marketing Research.


2020 – diploma of the second degree in the nomination “Independent student’s educational activity” at the competition “Pedagogical innovations” of SSU.

2019 – diploma of the second degree in the nomination “Independent student’s educational activity” at the competition “Pedagogical innovations” at Sumy State University.
2019 – diploma of the second degree of the competition “The best teacher through the eyes of students” 2018-2019 academic year at Sumy State University.
2018 – the Grant of the Ukraine’s President GP/F75 Development of a balanced internal communications scorecard for the enterprise as a basis for the formation of long-term development strategy in conditions of market volatility.
2017 – the Grant of the Ukraine’s President GP/F70 Formation of the managerial mechanism of the industrial enterprises internal communications under conditions of industrial markets transformation.
2015 “Innovations in the organization of independent student’s educational activity” at the competition “Pedagogical innovations” of SSU .

List of author’s certificates:

  • Saher L.Yu. Author’s certificate «Methodical approach to the development of strategic actions within the internal communications management of industrial enterprises», №74094, 09.10.2017;
  • Saher L.Yu. Author’s certificate «Mechanism of internal communications management of industrial enterprises», №76046, 19.01.2018;
  • Saher L.Yu., Syhyda L.O. Author’s certificate «An approach to internal communications management based on the formation of a balanced scorecard», № 84844, 25.01.2019;
  • Saher L.Yu., Melnyk Yu.M., Syhyda L.O. Author’s certificate «Scientific and methodological approach to the design of strategies for  innovative products commercialization», № 84845, 25.01.2019;
  • Saher L.Yu., Syhyda L.O. Author’s certificate «Theoretical and methodological approach to the choice of marketing communication tools in the context of three levels of structural change», № 84846, 25.01.2019;
  • Saher L.Yu., Vakulenko I.A. Author’s certificate «Scientific and methodological approach to the design of a balanced scorecard of internal communications management on  the enterprise», № 84848, 25.01.2019;
  • Saher L.Yu. Author’s certificate «Methodical approach to diagnostics of the internal communications state of an industrial enterprise», №69848, 17.01.2017
  • Zakharkina L., Syhyda L., Sager L. Author’s certificate “Methodical approach to assessing the territory attractiveness in the context of national economic security”, №19104, 15.06.2020.
  • Lyulyov, O., Pimonenko, T., Sager, L. Author’s certificate   “Scientific and methodological tools for assessing the impact of behavioral catalysts for sustainable development of the national economy: transparency and public confidence”, 109777, 25.11.2021