According to the results of the annual competition Young Scientist of 2021, organized by the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the winner in the field of “Marketing” was Alexei Lyulyov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Marketing Academic and Research Institute of Business, Economic and Management SumDU

Alexei’s scientific achievements are really impressive

✔️ 32 articles were published in scientific journals indexed by Scopus, 18 in publications indexed by Web of Science;

✔️ H-index for Scopus – 15; H-index for Web of Science – 9;

✔️ head of research “Foresight-forecasting the stability of the national economy: from socio-ecological and economic contradictions to the convergent model”, 2017-2020; “Quadrocentric recursive model of de-shadowing of Ukraine’s economy to increase its macroeconomic stability”, funding by National Research Fund of Ukraine, 2020-2021;

✔️ responsible executor of the research topic “Simulation modelling of the trajectory of the influence of behavioural attractors on the macroeconomic stability of transparency and public confidence”, 2021-2023;

✔️ executor of 9 research works;

✔️ holder of the fellowship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists in 2020;

✔️ editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Marketing of Innovation Management” (Web of Science);

✔️ supervised the preparation of successfully defended two candidate theses and one doctoral thesis;

✔️ Member of the editorial boards of scientific journals “Forum Scientiae Oeconomia” (Scopus), “Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series ”(Poland),“ SocioEconomic Challenges ”(Ukraine);

✔️ participated in international internship programs in the USA, Great Britain, Poland, Montenegro, Ghana;

✔️ executor of numerous international projects;

✔️ Head of economic contract research projects, in particular, “Evaluation and development of proposals to improve search engine optimization” (LLC “DIAS TIM”, 2020), “Development of the site of the Congress Center of Sumy State University. SEO “, 2020),” Website development department of pre-university training. SEO », 2021).

We wish you success and do not stop there!