Tetyana Pimonenko, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Marketing became the winner of the annual competition Young Scientist of the Year 2021 in the category “Management and Personnel Management”

Tetiana is a Fulbright Alumna in 2018-2019, and her research achievements are undoubtedly impressive

✔️ 33 articles were published in scientific journals indexed by Scopus, 28 in publications indexed by Web of Science;

✔️ H-index for Scopus – 16; H-index for Web of Science – 12;

✔️ Head of research work “Stochastic modelling of the road map of harmonization of domestic and European standards of energy market regulation on the way to the transition to a circular and carbon-neutral economy” funding by National Research Foundation of Ukraine, 2020-2021;

✔️ responsible executor of research topics “Green investing: cointegration model of transmission ESG-effects in the chain” green brand of Ukraine – corporate social responsibility “(2021-2023),” Modeling mechanisms to minimize energy efficiency gaps in the context of Sustainable Development Goals: communication network interaction of stakeholders “(2020-2022),” Foresight-forecasting of the stability of the national economy: from socio-ecological-economic contradictions to the convergent model “(2017-2020);

✔️ executor of 4 research works;

✔️ holder of the fellowship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists in 2020;

✔️ Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal “Marketing of Innovation Management” (Web of Science);

✔️ Editor-in-Chief of Health Economics and Management Review

✔️ Member of the editorial boards of scientific journals Journal of Management, Information Systems and Human Resources (Scopus, Web of Science), HighTech and Innovation Journal, “Forum Scientiae Oeconomia” (Scopus), “Economics and Culture”, International Research Journal of Business Studies, ” SocioEconomic Challenges “

✔️ supervised the preparation of successfully defended two candidate theses and one doctoral thesis;

✔️ participated in international internship programs in the USA, Latvia, India, Israel, Poland, Montenegro;

✔️ Head of Jean Monnet Module 619999-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE “EU policy for SMEs: perspectives and challenges for Ukraine” 2020-2023;

✔️ executor of numerous international projects;

✔️ Head of economic contract research projects, in particular, “Evaluation and development of proposals to improve search engine optimization” (LLC “DIAS TIM”, 2020), “Development of the site of the Congress Center of Sumy State University. SEO “, 2020),” Website development department of pre-university training. SEO », 2021).