The executives of Jean Monnet Module “EU Carbon-free economy: best practices for Ukraine” (620232-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE) Tetyana Pimonenko and Yana Us organized a lecture-discussion devoted to the retrospective review of scientific publications in the field of the carbon-free economy for undergraduate and PhD students. The seminar provided the participants with an opportunity to discover the high-quality works of scientists worldwide and establish the relationship between the carbon-free economy development, climate change, and EU initiatives. The researchers Olexiy Lyulyov and Maria Minchenko joined to discuss the EU role in developing carbon-free economy and promoting an environmentally conscious lifestyle in society.
Besides, Yana Us demonstrated how to use the VOSviewer software toolkit to engage undergraduate
and PhD students in research on the carbon-free economy. The scientific collaboration between students and the project’s executing scientists is expected to develop students’ innovative and critical thinking.